and i love this animated gif.. TOTALLY CUTE
p.s: It's the dancing movement on Mirotic mv
taken from here
it's just TOO CUTE >.<
The manager who seems obliging guides us by saying ‘this way’,
Turning on the light on the long hallway, she says ‘Red to the right’,
The destroyed revolving door; blissful artifical flowers on the floor,
I passed the setted wall as if I energy to pass through it
Where’re you going baby?
I wait on this chair; don’t open your eyes until I count to seven
Pret un, the dewdrops of night on your neck; to the extent that you lost your voice,
Deux, from the mechanical treets to between your fingers,
Trois, the spider web which entangles and entangles like this, continously,
The sandclock which started to go backwards to 9095
The noise that echoes throughout the long hallway, ‘Have we met before?’,
‘The blue to the left of the red’,
The rusted angel’s wings; yesterday’s dream that has been deferred,,
Concealing your eyes from the direction of the claps
Who are you? Tell me baby,
You won’t show it to anyone, even if you put your hands on the mirror
Et quatre, the scent of nostalgia even on your back, your hot breath,
Cinq, the eyes which rise even in the darkness; if it’s not permitted,
Six, if your tears are reviving, then somehow,
The remains which slowly come to live in 9095
Don’t try to find anything more than this for I’ll be by your side,
Even though you can’t go back once you have opened your eyes,
If you still like it then, silently,
Pret un, the dewdrops of night on your neck; to the extent that you lost your voice,
Deux, from the mechanical treets to between your fingers,
Trois, the spider web which entangles and entangles like this, continously,
The sandclock which started to go backwards to 9095
Et quatre, the scent of nostalgia even on your back, your hot breath,
Cinq, the eyes which rise even in the darkness; if it’s not permitted,
Six, if your tears are reviving, then somehow,
The remains which slowly come to live in 9095
~yeah, there's France on it. FYI this song written by JaeJoong, TVXQ's lead singer
Darkness Eyes
I'm just in deep, in a blue sea of loneliness
I don't know how? But I was froze and couldn't move forwardfroze as in stopped not as in cold.
The lies come unstuck and are falling down in broken little pieces
I smash them with my hands and blood drips down
I hide in weakness from the dark in my mind
A waterless world would come to a halt
so I face the suffering without a way to escape
* I seek in the dark because there is no light here, and the feelings deep in my heart have died
There's darkness on my eyes, so I'll continue wondering in the valley of dreams
I search for answers that I couldn't see yesterday, today, or tomorrow
Where should I... Where on earth should I go?
Even if I gently touch me, I'll break immediately
I don't need you to lie to me with momentary kindness
Because I've closed the door to my burdensome heart
I've been in agony and can't even breathe
I just give in to frailty now
And so the egoism of my sins
There's a fortress of darkness that eminently blocks the way
So I seek in the dark, there are no lights here
I closed my eyes and smiled, darkness on my eyes
My feelings have gone back and forth and are disturbing me
I... I'm in dispair and can't find the answers
Raindrops falling from heaven
I couldn't remember
They took away my love so weak
It's raining on my heart
My stupid broken heart
Baby please, don't go
No light, no sound
A waterless world would come to a halt
so I face the suffering without a way to escape
| verba
| adjektiva
1 . Apa status loe sekarang?
mahasiswa (haha, okay, i'm available)
dua2nya enak kok.. tapi kalo malem2 enakan siram :D
3 . Enakan mana teh botol atau coke?
Conditional. tapi berhubung lebih sehat teh daripada soda, milih teh botol aja deh.
sepertinya tidak, soalnya sebelum saya tidak bisa berenang, saya anti dengan kolam renang.
ga dua2nya!mungkin takut kalo anjing gila
tergantung jurusan apa. bagusan trans jakarta
menunggu, tapi jangan lama-lama
8 . Lo anak nakal ato anak baek?
9 . Lagu kesukaan lo apa?
perlu disebut satu2 (gak, kelamaan) Darkness Eyes, from TVXQ
10 . Bisa menari gak?
enggak *sadar diri
11 . Abis lulus kul maw ngapain?
kerja, nabung, sekolah lagi, buka usaha, beramal
pernah dong
kalo ga bener2 males2an, ya ribet ngerjain tugas yg dikumpul senin
14 . Pernah ga dilupain ama temen sendiri?
sering sih enggak, tapi kata ibu pernah
bunuh dua2nya boleh ga? *sadisnya keluar
YAAA! i love rain
yang penting seiman (gaya lo dis!)
yang langsung nyantol di otak dan hati pas pertama denger
bersyukur sama semua yang dikasih Tuhan
22 . prasaan km gmn skarang?
senang2 aja, soalnya abis beli CD TVXQ :D
23 . kapan terakhir kali ketawa?
barusan gara2 omongan teman saya
24 . chat trakhir sm?
25 . sms trakhir dari?
entahlah.. isinya "Ingin pulsa gratis? cukup kirim bla-bla-bla"
26 . org yg trakhir km telf?
forgot, it's been a while didn't call anyone
27 . kpan trakhir kali nangis? knp?
tadi? soalnya ngantuk, terus nguap, eh keluar air mata (itu sih bukan nangis dis)
28 . km lg pengen mkn apa?
29 . WeeKend ini kmana aja?
Sabtu ke SMANSADAY, my highschool's event. minggu belum tau
di Smansaday nonton Barry Likumahua, kalo minggu sepertinya spent some time with my Gankster :D
Gankster, minus Icol
yang banyak omong dan banyak tingkah. sekarang lagi sebel sama yang suka ngasih komentar di berita2. talk less do more, please
33. Jam brp skrg?
34. yang mo di lakuin bentar lagi?
Looklet-ing for more :D dan main Zoo Tyconn sepertinya (heil holiday!)