finally have free time or more likely some lazy time, before the last mid exam tomorrow..
just finished another inspiring book today, Life Traveler by Windy Ariestanty. I bought this book 2 days ago, glad my reading pace is not slowing down even after months didn't read any book :p
This book talk about traveling and more about the traveler themselves. Recommended indeed.. Well, because i always love these kind of book, for many reasons..
just finished another inspiring book today, Life Traveler by Windy Ariestanty. I bought this book 2 days ago, glad my reading pace is not slowing down even after months didn't read any book :p
This book talk about traveling and more about the traveler themselves. Recommended indeed.. Well, because i always love these kind of book, for many reasons..

"Home is a place where you feel more comfortable. Home is a place where you can be and find yourself.."
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