Jumat, 09-23 April 2010
Friday, April 09-23, 2010
Galeri Salihara
Pembukaan: Jumat, 09 April 2010, 19:30 WIB
Opening: Friday, April 09, 2010, 07:30 PM
Terbuka untuk umum & GRATIS
Open to the public & FREE ADMISSION
Pameran Picturing America menampilkan 40 lembar reproduksi, antara lain lukisan yang dibuat pada abad ke-18 hingga abad ke-20. Kita bisa melihat karya-karya awal sejumlah pelukis Indian Amerika, hingga karya-karya perupa modern Amerika seperti Mary Cassatt, Joseph Stella, George Caleb Bingham, Winslow Homer, dan pelukis Amerika yang termasyhur Norman Rockwell. Pameran ini juga menampilkan foto- foto keramik dan wadah yang dibuat sejak abad ke-12 hingga abad ke-20. Ada juga foto-foto arsitektur dari bangunan modern abad ke-20, misalnya gedung Chrysler yang bergaya Art Deco di Manhattan karya William Van Alen. Dibangun pada dekade 1920-an, gedung ini melampaui tinggi Menara Eiffel. Selain itu, ada juga foto karya arsitek Frank Lloyd Wright, “Fallingwater” (Kaufmann House). Pameran ini menyiratkan sejarah, budaya, dan aspirasi bangsa Amerika.
The exhibition, Picturing America displays 40 reproductions, including paintings from the 18th century to the 20th century. We will be able to see a number of early works by American Indians, to the works of modern American artists such as Mary Cassatt, Joseph Stella, George Caleb Bingham, Winslow Homer, and the well known American painter Norman Rockwell. This exhibition also includes photos of ceramics and vessels made from the 12th century to the 20th century. Photos of 20th century -modern architecture will also be displayed, such as the Chrysler building in Manhattan designed in the Art Deco style by William Van Alen. Built in the 1920s, this building was taller than the Eiffel Tower. In addition, there is a photograph of Frank Llyod Wright’s architectural design, “Fallingwater” (Kaufman House). This exhibition traces the history, culture and aspirations of the American people.
(further information : Salihara)
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