Friday, October 19, 2012
Sunday, October 14, 2012
but is it the way?
Maybe this is the way, or maybe it's not. There will be an answer for every question. I may sounds random but let's see~ can't really talk about it when everything still uncertain. :D
p.s: oh i forgot! New header, yay :D
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Jakarta Culinary Festival 2012
Hi again!
Today was a great day, i have great experience at Jakarta Culinary Festival 2012 :D It held at Grand Indonesia and organized by Ismaya Group. There are so many exciting cooking demo and a lots of free foods!
My tummy stuffs with many things, from aglio olio to moon cake ._.
Cooking demo by the Bliss sisters, Isabella and Sofia. If you watch Master Chef Junior Australia you must be know them, and i'm a big fan that tv show :) Isabella is the winner of MCJ Season 1, while her sister, Sofia, is one of the finalist. They're so cute :)
We didn't watch until the end because we already register for coffee class~ It's exciting, the staffs are so nice and helpful. Now i know how to operate coffee grinder and coffee machine :D
One of many food stalls, this is Turkish ice cream! The ice cream maker is so playful, just like how it should be, or it won't be Turkish ice cream if there's no little 'acrobatic' show~
Cooking competition with chef Edward Kwon as the judge. He is a talented and young chef from S.Korea.
Eating competition by Kitchenette. The contestants must finish as much meatballs as they could in 5 minutes.
Another sesion with the Bliss sisters, this time chef Marinka as MC. They made 2 dishes from lamb -i guess.. bcus we didn't watch from the start- and crepes with creamy chicken sauce inside, or something like that.
It was a great experience, really.. I saw many famous chefs, tried many nice foods, also got new experience~ Good foods, good drinks, and good fun indeed :D
Oh and my TVXQ's Catch Me album has arrived! teehee~
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Bye September! Hello October!
1. My final project is done. It's a wrap! wohoo :D new journey as a fresh graduate, still can't decide where to work - duetowantingtodomanythingsatonce
2. Attending 2 nice events this month. ... well 'nice' is an understatement. It's a great events! SMTOWN World Tour 2012 in Jakarta and Tim Hwang Live in Jakarta. Pretty lucky since i got invited for both event :) alhamdulillah..
And I finally got a chance to see my most favorite band everrrr~ TVXQ :'D and their performances was awesome! As expected :D
See you later!
*i actually wondering if there is any reader because i am totally aware this blog is uninteresting ._.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Konservasi Arsitektur - Istana Bogor
Langgam Bangunan
- Gedung Induk, terdiri dari 8 ruang, yaitu :
- Ruang Garuda yang berfungsi sebagai Ruang Resepsi, disini juga pertemuan - pertemuan besar dapat dilaksanakan.
- Ruang Teratai yang berfungsi sebagai ruang penerimaan tamu.
- Ruang Film pernah berfungsi sebagai ruang pemutaran film pada masa Presiden Soekarno.
- Ruang Makan yang berfungsi sebagai ruang makan utama.
- Ruang Kerja Presiden yang pernah berfungsi sebagai tempat bekerja Presiden Soekarno.
- Ruang Perpustakaan yang pernah berfungsi sebagai ruang perpustakaan Presiden Soekarno.
- Ruang Famili dan Kamar Tidur yang berfungsi sebagai tempat / ruang tunggu Presiden jika akan mengikuti aneka acara di Ruang Garuda.
- Ruang Tunggu Menteri yang berfungsi sebagai ruang tunggu para menteri jika mereka akan mengikuti acara - acara di Ruang Garuda.
- Gedung Utama Sayap Kiri, terdiri dari 2 ruang, yaitu :
- Ruang Panca Negara, yang pernah berfungsi sebagai ruang Konferensi Panca Negara / persiapan Konferensi Asia Afrika di Bandung,
- Ruang Tidur dan Ruang Tengah, yang difungsikan sebagai tempat menginap Presiden, tamu negara dan tamu agung.
- Gedung Utama Sayap Kanan, berfungsi sebagai tempat menginap para Presiden sebagai tamu negara berikut tamu - tamu negara, dan tamu - tamu lainnya.
- Paviliun Sayap Kiri berfungsi sebagai kantor Rumah Tangga Istana Bogor
- Paviliun Sayap Kanan berfungsi sebagai tempat menginap para pejabat dan staf tamu negara
- Paviliun, terdapat 6 paviliun sebagai berikut :
- Paviliun I-V kini digunakan sebagai tempat menginap para pejabat dan merupakan ruang tunggu para menteri apabila ada acara
- Paviliun VI digunakan sebagai rumah jabatan kepala istal
- Gedung Dyah Bayurini, yang dilengkapi dengan kolam renang digunakan sebagai tempat istirahat Presiden serta keluarganya jika sedang berada di Bogor.
- Gedung Serba Guna yang berfungsi sebagai ruang serba guna: kesenian, pertemuan, tempat artis, dsb.

Tahap Pemugaran
Pada saat itu dilakukan demolisi karena bangunan lama mengalami kerusakan parah, sehingga diputuskan untuk membuat bangunan baru. Saat ini Istana Bogor merupakan Lingkungan Cagar Budaya Golongan I dan termasuk bangunan pemugaran kelas A, dimana seluruh elemen fasade harus dipertahankan sesuai dengan kondisi aslinya.

Monday, February 27, 2012
un, deux, trois, et quatre..

Short story behind my Tumblr name.. Et quatre simply means 4 (four) in France.. No special reason why i choose that phrase, it's just because i love how it sounds. Yes, just because. Like how i want to visit Vladivostok JUST BECAUSE i love that city's name. I could be random like that.
First time i hear that phrase was from 9095 by Tohoshinki. One of my favorite song.
Okay, I shall sleep now, spent too much time to read e__e
See you later~
Friday, February 3, 2012
it feels so good to be appreciated..
like when your tweet got retweeted, when someone reblog your post on Tumblr, when people watch the video you made, when someone subscribe you on Youtube, when people loves your artwork, when people read the story you made and they like it, when they give good feedback, or even when someone said 'thank you'...
it feels so good to be appreciated, even with a simple thing..
Friday, January 20, 2012
Pusat Kebudayaan Perancis - SPA6
Sunday, January 8, 2012
another year to come...
2011 is indeed a memorable year for me.... Many things to learn, to memorize, to cherished.
so many up and down..even to my lowest point. But however, i really feel extremely grateful :) It was the year to reflect...
May 2012 bring more happiness to all of us..
got this cute card from my fella, Lix.. we know each other from Twitter, 1 and half years ago (all thanks to TVXQ ^^)
she is really nice and talented <3

- still doing my internship at Kemang Village apartment, half month to go~
- helping my lecturer on his research about my hometown
- i think i'll do my final project this year, so i can graduate on October (Amin!) Wish me luck, peeps :)